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Monday, December 8, 2008

Liar, Liar

Ok, so I am a big fat (literally) liar!  The intense migraine came back with a vengeance five minutes ago. I have to clean my house and this awful thing is back. There are two chronic medical conditions I dont understand....#1 Cramps -seriously!!! I get the whole Eve thing but come on now! #2 and no less significant Migraines. I have knowledge of how they work and what goes on in the miraculous human body but WHY??? This is the thing I dont get, what do they do to improve or work that cant be done any other way? If you know and dont share I think you should be damned to all eternal flames and darkness from eternity to eternity......Yes, I may have something to discuss with the psychologist next visit. BYE


Henry said...


I get visual migraines accompanied by a headache afterward. I asked about it and my professors at the Optometry school told me it typically is a vascular thing--usually a lack of blood to the brain, and then a rush of blood to the brain.

Usually I get them when I'm stressed, dehydrated or not eating right. I think it's possible to get them from over exertion too. I know how horrible migraines are. And I think they can be very different for different people.

Someone once told me when you sense one coming on to lay on the floor with your feet in the air (like propped up against the wall). I tried that last time and I don't think it helped. But take it for what it's worth.

I imagine that eating more fiber and less fat should help. Now that I think of it I wonder if eating lots of chocolate actually brings migraines on for me. Just a guess.


Kari said...

Rebecca- I found your blog! Feel better soon!

Four sisters join forces for good

Four sisters join forces for good
Robin, Renea, and myself at the half way turn around. What a beautiful moment