Our little family-2011

Our little family-2011
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A stroll on the water

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Today was almost a polar opposite of yesterday. The stark grey clouds and exacting wind did not make a perfect running day. I did get out and run though, if only for 40 minutes. I have no idea what the mileage was because I was running to run and not planning out my path. I must say that it was 30 degrees out there and I am not kidding, it was COLD! the neighborhood in which I was running was a newer development. This meant that none of the trees were big or lush. There was little landscape that wasnt blown up turkeys or the local universities mascot. As usual after the 40 minutes I was torn as to continuing one or going inside. I have to say survival mode kicked in and I wanted out of that wind! I am still out there though, it is more than I thought I would do. I think I started running at the perfect time because I feel in love with it just in time to WANT to keep going through the terrible weather.  Apparently I am going to be going out again tomorrow morning. I am not looking forward to it =because it is supposed to be colder. I guess I should get that pass to the gym and start running inside. It is just so discouraging thinking that I would have to run around the track over 24 times. It is so boring seeing the same thing over and over. It will be a struggle to continue. So, I either brave the cold and snow OR I go for boring and risk the ever so close excuse for not running that day....???? What's a girl to do? Yea, I dont know either. Well, i guess in the next few days we will find out because I am not sure I can run everyday in THIS> By the way, my hip, feeling much better and barely hurt today while running. I think what happened was that I took a longer "rest" after my 5k than I needed and my body thought I had finally given up all together. Guess what body...I'm not giving it up!  HA! Take that! So i think that I have shown that I will keep going and my hip gave in. I mean it still hurts but I can handle this until I get to a chiropractor and then even then it will take another few months for him to help it completely. Good running...BYE

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Four sisters join forces for good

Four sisters join forces for good
Robin, Renea, and myself at the half way turn around. What a beautiful moment