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Monday, November 24, 2008

So it is Monday and I feel horrible!  I cant really complain because I just saw a picture of a friend of mine and she looks far worse than I feel. But I had my flu shot this year and I am sure this is some sort of break off. Anyway, the most exercise I have had this weekend was from my bed to the front room. It all started late Saturday and it is that achy, yucky, headache, stuffy nose thing.  Somehow sleep doesnt go as well when you are running. I am thankful for children who seem to be very accommodating today in letting me rest and sleep. I think I am going to invest in one of those exercise balls so I can really start working on my core area. Anyone out there with ideas on how to get my booty out of the door on cold wet yucky grey days?  Yep, didnt think so!! Seriously people I need to get a membership to the Y so I can go there and have no excuses. I am hosting a thanksgiving day meal for around 50 people this year. I have been doing it for some time and I enjoy it but I really want to find a way to get out and run tomorrow and wed so I have energy to use on Thursday.
40 days until i am in Boulder getting ready for my run! Can you believe it is almost here? Can you believe I am still into this? It is going to be great to have a few days all by myself without kids but I think I will miss them terribly and I must say that not having my sweetheart at the finish line is going to be hard. The thought of it is already hard for me. He has been so supportive recently with EVERYTHING I am doing recently. It will be nice to have family there with me but he is my heart!
I went this weekend to the movies twice to see the exact same movie. it was incredible! So to all the Jacob fans out there I have to say Edward is the man (not really, i suppose) of the hour! As I watched him run i was thinking how great it would be to have that speed and stamina!!!!!!

Well, to Kim, Britt, Laura and anyone else feeling under the weather....GET WELL SOON!!bye 

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Four sisters join forces for good

Four sisters join forces for good
Robin, Renea, and myself at the half way turn around. What a beautiful moment