What? Isnt that good enough?
Ok, so I have been running AND working with weights. It is more fun than I thought originally. The first day I worked with weights I was tired but the next day I felt like someone rammed a truck into my arms and shoulders. I could hardly move them. In fact my right arm was so sore and weak that when I woke up the next day I went to rub my little nose I had to bring my head to my hand because I could hardly raise it. But after doing it more it is better and I feel like hulk lady until I am working out and some small young thing comes up next to me and grabs the 50lb weights and can do more than I do with my 10, 12, 15lb weights.
I went in the other day to workout and went to the bathroom, which I have not needed before, and low and behold I hit the mother load! They have a sauna, tanning beds, hot tub etc for my use free of charge. Oh you bet that tomorrow when I go I am in that sauna after my workout. Can you imagine! Of all the great and wonderful things to find, I really hit it big. I couldnt hit bigger in vegas! I have kept a steady 4miles going because no injury is going to push me out now that I am 2 weeks away. I have done longer runs and will a couple times more before I go but for the most part I am keeping it steady a 4. I do have some excellent news........I have now got 4 miles under an hour! Yes, do you recall the horrible 5k incident? Well, that 5k took me 53 minutes. I am great! the holidays are going o be rough for me. I made candy tonight and dont have a problem staying away from that but it is the other things I might have rouble with. tomorrow I am making "hot chocolate" cookies. Not made with hot chocolate but they taste like it. It is an egg white cookie with chocolate chips. they are fantastic and so melty that one never is enough. I will have to put them in baggies right away. Also, I have a fantastic recipe for toffee that I will be making tomorrow as well. So my incentive is that I am going to weigh myself and I dont want any extra poundage showing up.
On a more serious note.....Some of you may have known of my illness in January 2007. I nearly died and wasnt supposed to walk again. Lots of other hard things I had to overcome but those were the amazing ones to the doctors. Well, some other side effects of the meningitis have been anxiety and depression and some other things. This past spring and summer were really bad for me, in fact they were the worst times in my life, and that is really saying something. I never thought I would be happy again. I never thought I would voluntarily smile again. We prayed and fasted and went to doctors and spiritual advisers. nothing seemed to help. Or so it seemed. As I trusted in the Lords promise to me all those months ago I found that gradually over the past few months I have become me again. It wasnt until I was talking with Cris that I said, I am not sure why it is that the Lord keeps giving me miracles that seem to push me continually forward wih this running. And that is when he said "Can you not see it? Can you not see the change?" when I asked what he was talking about he told me that I havent sopped to notice that the light is back in my life. I have hope of things to come and a love for life. God sent me on this path to this marathon to heal me! I really is hat simple. It has worked and I feel so blessed. I shouldnt be alive but I am! I shouldnt be walking but I run! I shouldnt be leaving my house daily, but I love to visit people! So many miracles! In small things.........Bye
I didn't know you had meningitis, or depression or anxiety!! It makes me happy to read of your successes!
I had to laugh about the weight training. I know what you're talking about. I've done that where you lift and press and pull and push for an hour or so, the whole time feeling great. You feel a little tired but not until you awake the next morning to find you can barely push yourself up, or brush your teeth. Just remember the more often you do it the stronger you get.
Congratulations on being able to feel like you again.
Thanks for writing. I really enjoyed reading that last paragraph. gave me tingles all over.
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