One crazy group
A stroll on the water
Blog Archive
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Here we go...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Back in the saddle AGAIN!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Ok, I will work hard at that one. I made a soup or dinner that was delicious. Lentils, split peas and chicken broth. I added a little alphabet pasta for the children but other than that it was so healthy and so good.
So I had a piece of whole wheat toast
2 pieces of french bread pizza. Each half loaf was cut into 5 pieces.
Almost a 2liter of pepsi
1 1/2 cups soup
This is it for now. Wish me luck on my run tomorrow. And good luck to all of you as well
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Here comes the OFFENDER
I struggle, and I fall, I am scared and afraid. I have "Feeble knees". Many of you know of this from the standard works of Scripture. It means weak, without force, easily broken....
Isaiah 35: 3-4 states
3 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.
4 Say to them that are fearful of heart, Be strong, Fear not: behold, your God will come..........he will come and save you.
Marvin J Ashton ( a favorite speaker of mine) has this thought:
"How do we deal with the inevitable moments of fear or “feeble knees”? It is vital that we not face them alone. Always it is helpful and comforting to be able to confide in a loving and trusted friend or relative who empathetically listens to our uncertainties. We often find that our confidant has experienced similar fears, and we may even share in his wise counsel.
Life is never easy, and we cannot escape our own case of feeble knees from time to time. It is thus essential that we love and support one another."
I have come to love and need this form of outlet on my journey. As it is a seemingly never ending journey, I rely upon and admire my friends and family who have helped me escape my feeble knees. I can see at times my knees strengthening and I see myself becoming stronger. This because of the uplifting words, the back pats, the "way to go" 's and the encouraging posts.
I hope and pray I have not offended anyone. It was not my intent.
Thanks be to God for healing body and spirit! And for kindness from friends and strangers alike!
God Bless You
Thursday, February 26, 2009
happy sad and everything in between
Yesterday, Wednesday, I was unable to take Cris to work so I did not have a car. This poses a problem when it comes to getting to my workout spot. So I did what I was not sure I had the strength to do....I worked out here at home. I borrowed some weights from my neighbors and went outside (because it was finally beautiful) and did lunges, squats, sprints, running, jumping jacks and weights. Exactly the workout I would have done at church. I was very proud of myself.
Another development in my life is that I decided to take it one step further (I know ( may be pushing my powers) and I am no longer eating after 8pm. Most people say 7 but most people don't go to bed at 11:30 and midnight. Any way I have been able to do this. Last night I had a little celebration for a friends birthday and we were able to finish dinner before 8pm but the cake (brownie) wasn't eaten until almost 9pm. I made everyone a dish with brownie and ice cream (we even had Reese's ice cream, my favorite) and made one for me. It was at this time that I remembered the promise I had made to myself. But it was so tempting AND what would everyone else think? They might be uncomfortable that I wasn't eating with them. They might think I am trying to send them a message that they shouldn't eat it. All this went through my mind at the exact instant that another person came to the gathering. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I gave her my bowl and started putting things away. By the time I was done cleaning up everyone was well into their treat. I just stood around and talked with them. Here is the deal: NO ONE noticed!!!! Seriously, no one paid any attention to the fact that I didnt indulge. I felt FANTASTIC!!!!!! So for almost a week I have been able to eat better AND at the right times. I am so happy with my progress. It really is hard to imagine how hard life was for me a year ago. How difficult it was for me to get out of bed, socialize, smile! Smiling was SO hard. I remember forcing them at the right times in the right places. I was so unhappy, things looked so hopeless. Then I was introduced the marvelous world of pain, torture, heat, sweat-EXERCISE! I may not look any different at this point but I feel different and I am a different person. I may one day look back and have to read these entries to even remember the rough times.
On a very sad note: My wonderful sister Robin, who has been my constant, is no longer able to run. She has an IT Band injury and it has become severe. It is painful for her and I know her heart aches to run again. Hopefully someday with lots of prayer and work she will be able to run. It may well be that she never again experiences the joy of crossing a marathon line. I do know this, ANYTHING she does she wins at! She is a hero to many and goes unrecognized most all the time. If I could take her injury from her I would! I wish and pray for nothing more than her most sincere happiness. She introduced me to this very foreign world and was with me in the worst times (that happened a lot) and in the most intensely gratifying moment of my life. Robin, I love you!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
back in action
Next week I will be purchasing my own set of 10lb weights and then I will be able to do this at home. Although, I do believe it is better when I go to the church to workout. There are no house distractions there to keep me from the work.
So I am back in the saddle again!~
Monday, February 23, 2009
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Now THIS is one of the best pictures even if all YOU can see is the bums of Lady's you may not even know! I remember this moment just like I was in the moment. This is the turn to the finish and we knew it and were gaining adrenaline. Not much mind you since we hadn't much left. We were determined to run it as fast as we could! This was a great idea with a slow execution. It was hard in that there were cars with people leaving. Keep in mind some of the people leaving had run the 26.2 miles. Now, not to give the impression we were slow BUT lots of cars past us and I think we saw amazement on some of their faces. As if to say "Were they on the course? did they start late? Why did it take them so long?" Now, one of the cars gave us a big smile and a wave with a thumbs up. This was encouraging to us at this point.
As we rounded the last curve (about 1/8 mile past this picture) Robin makes a brave and necessary move. She crosses the road - - - - WHAT! Yes, any change of movement is startling. I said to her very loudly " what the *@!& are you doing" Sorry but I was out of my ever loving mind! She started laughing at this and that is how we crossed the finish line with huge smiles. Not because we finished a 13.1 miles journey but because the sister who never cusses swore at the very end. Hopefully this is not telling of my entire life!
Four sisters join forces for good
Robin, Renea, and myself at the half way turn around. What a beautiful moment